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Finriel marquesates

The Marquesates of Finriel

1. Lochhaven; 2. Rosehaven; 3. Freylyn; 4. Fallwyn; 5. Newlea; 6. Havenacre


Earldoms Within the Marquesate[]

The Marquesate of Lochhaven is home to the Ferreta and Wyn Earldoms.

Viscounties Within the Marquesate[]

The Marquesate of Lochhaven is home to the Roawyn, Audbeck, Sidavon, and Haymoor Viscounties.

Baronies Within the Marquesate[]

The Marquesate of Lochhaven is home to the Anya, Leiwood, Exhead, Norhaven, Leidare, Hernebourne, Rotherwold, Leowick, Argin, Melock, Lybbis, and Durmory Baronies.

Current Holder of the Marquesate Title[]

  • Closed; succession title


Earldoms Within the Marquesate[]

The Marquesate of Rosehaven is home to the Madrimore and Manaris Earldoms.

Viscounties Within the Marquesate[]

The Marquesate of Rosehaven is home to the Fieldmoor, Moorehaven, Amatrea, and Dorry Viscounties.

Baronies Within the Marquesate[]

The Marquesate of Rosehaven is home to the Falmere, Blackgrove, Lairgmore, Minecaster, Hereley, Branton, Tamset, Roeleigh, Halcambe, and Cald Baronies.

Current Holder of the Marquesate Title[]

  • Open


Earldoms Within the Marquesate[]

The Marquesate of Freylyn is home to the Fayley and Willowley Earldoms.

Viscounties Within the Marquesate[]

The Marquesate of Freylyn is home to the Freybush, Riverdell, Hollowhaven, and Silvermorrow Viscounties.

Baronies Within the Marquesate[]

The Marquesate of Freylyn is home to the Virannis, Valhollow, Wycombe, Halmoral, Carlan, Warto, Brackcambe, Wypoole, Haligale, Lauralacre, and Todton Baronies.

Current Holder of the Marquesate Title[]

  • Open


Earldoms Within the Marquesate[]

The Marquesate of Fallwyn is home to the Mallowcrest and Wilderose Earldoms.

Viscounties Within the Marquesate[]

The Marquesate of Fallwyn is home to the Loredge, Courtridge, Erona, and Harroway Viscounties.

Baronies Within the Marquesate[]

The Marquesate of Fallwyn is home to the Doballan, Tillymire, Dalleah, Caleshot, Haleset, Scourhame, Malcrave, Meribair, Penrill, Levengown, Craigvale, Norcourt, Lexmore, Redover, and Shamline Baronies.

Current Holder of the Marquesate Title[]

  • Open


Earldoms Within the Marquesate[]

The Marquesate of Newlea is home to the Aelbush and Wildemeadow Earldoms.

Viscounties Within the Marquesate[]

The Marquesate of Newlea is home to the Dunwick, Corfield, Galscombe, and Ravenbourne Viscounties.

Baronies Within the Marquesate[]

The Marquesate of Newlea is home to the Navedoon, Corantia, Melport, Aysthorn, Mintodder, Melwhite, Sanderby, Ringbourne, Grosforth, Wynbane, Finhill, and Bolefax Baronies.

Current Holder of the Marquesate Title[]

  • Open


Earldoms Within the Marquesate[]

The Marquesate of Havenacre is home to the Linnesse and Ferrastone Earldoms.

Viscounties Within the Marquesate[]

The Marquesate of Havenacre is home to the Linlea, Parera, Hernebray, and Moorelea Viscounties.

Baronies Within the Marquesate[]

The Marquesate of Havenacre is home to the Havenbourne, Orcrest, Faynesse, Misford, Fayhurst, Rivervale, Clearmoor, Amyris, Eresis, and Lyranus Baronies.

Current Holder of the Marquesate Title[]

  • Open